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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Happy Solstice! I've just come in from the garden where I did ceremony for Solstice on this first day of summer. It was a gorgeous day, with a gentle breeze that seems to carry a message of change that for the first time in a long time feels hopeful and positive. By the time you get this, it will be several days after, but I took a few days off to celebrate turning 75!

Meanwhile, the outcry that's happening around the world regarding Trump's zero tolerance policy and the separation of children from their parents might just be the issue that unites this nation of ours. We the people aren't standing idly by as toddlers scream in terror as they are pulled away from their mothers while President Trump blames Democrats and gangsters for his administration's actions. The crisis is far from over, however there is a glimmer of hope. The complexity of the incompetence that has separated families is frightening at the least, and yet somehow I believe that if we keep the pressure on and the prayers coming, families will be reunited. Obviously a reset is due for the moral compass of our country, and I hope and pray that this crisis comes to a timely end. The time for silence is over. Please let your voice be heard! Write to your congressperson and any other politicians and/or media, and especially those politicians that are up for re-election this fall. I will announce a Planetary Healing Call to Action soon.

Shamanism Global Summit 2018

a Free virtual event July 10-12, produced by the Shift Network

I'm honored to be one of 20+ esteemed shamanic teachers and healers — including Sandra Ingerman, Alberto Villoldo, Brooke Medicine Eagle, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, HeatherAsh Amara, Robert Moss, Flordemayo, Mallku, and others. For more information and/or to register click here…

We will be sharing practical wisdom to help you to access guidance, healing, and power for living in a sacred manner and to help heal your community and the world.

My contribution is an audio interview with Michael Stone, discussing shamanism in ancient Egypt and the kinds of initiations that pharaohs (or their seconds) were obliged to undertake in order to reign with direct guidance from source. These rites were similar to many shamanic initiations in todays indigenous cultures, however the time for charismatic leaders is over, and it is up to each of us to recognize our own divinity and the responsibilities that come with that awareness. I take participants on a guided visualization journey to connect with one or more deities from the Egyptian pantheon that are offering to support you in the awakening that is happening for all who are committed to help us find balance, harmony and peace for ourselves and our planet. I also speak about Sekhmet, as it is Her time and her fierce compassion is a necessary component in our transformation and awakening. Sa Sekhem Sahu!

Whatever your core passion and path, The Shamanism Global Summit will give you access to some of today's most profound teachers and healers who are sharing not only traditional indigenous practices, but also a new wave of teachings that integrate time-honored wisdom with more contemporary psychology and spiritual systems.

Register for this free event here…

You can listen to my 45-minute audio interview at noon on July 12.

Passing the Baton: Future Egypt Tours

It is with great joy and pride that I can report that I have finally and completely passed the baton for the tour company portion of my corporation, Shamanic Journeys, Ltd., to Indigo Rønlov. After guiding a number of Egypt tours with me and other teachers such as Normandi Ellis and Sandra Corcoran, Indigo is taking off on her own! Starting in March 2019, all public Egypt tours, including other destinations as she expands, will be organized and led by Indigo and her new company, Mysteries of Egypt, LLC, with my full blessing and support. Indigo has proven to be the one person that can take my dream and not only sustain what I have built, she can improve it! Indigo and Nicki at the SphinxAlready she has surpassed me with her grit, her wit, her relationships in Egypt and her ability to enhance her devotion to Egypt with action. Her not-for-profit foundation, Zahra Handworks Foundation, has already changed the lives and the economy for women in several regions of Cairo, Bahariya, and other places where she is training women and developing centers where they can create saleable crafts from recyclable materials such as plarn, the plastic yarn made from the plastic shopping bags that have become a terrible trash problem all over Egypt. Indigo's ability to connect with the people of Egypt as well as the neteru, the deities of the Egyptian pantheon, and her capacity to hold space in a sacred manner upholds the high standards that Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. has developed and maintained since our first tour in 1989.

Please note that our new arrangement will continue to be mutually collaborative and supported by me.

Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. Final Public Tour

September 11-24, 2018

Walking with Ma'at and Thoth, led by Indigo Rønlov and Sandra Corcoran September 2018 is sold out. We are putting together a waiting list, so if you feel called to that tour, please send your deposit, and if we cannot accommodate you we will either return the full amount or put it toward the Becoming the Lotus tour in March 2019. Our first Egypt tour with Indigo's new company, Mysteries of Egypt, will be taking place in March 1-14, 2019. We are honoring the Blue Lotus, and designing a special tour around to celebrate the occasion.

Egyptian Blue LotusMysteries of Egypt, LLC First Public Tour

March 1-14, 2019

Becoming the Lotus, an Egyptian Mysteries Pilgrimage: Join Indigo Rønlov and special guest and blue lotus expert, Aryshta Dean, to share the magic and mysteries of Egypt, then and now. The ancient sacred practices are reawakening, including many magical and spiritual alliances, lessons and teachings that have lain dormant for millennia. This unique adventure includes a new component, an in-depth study of the blue lotus and its history. The blue lotus was held in great reverence and was carved throughout the temples on its walls and columns. It was also included in many sacred rites and initiations.

The lotus is considered the heraldic plant emblem of Upper Egypt, as the papyrus is the sacred plant symbol of Lower Egypt. During our journey we will seek to understand the deeper essence of these plants in the mythical and alchemical world of the ancients as well as within our own spirits. The blue lotus once grew in profusion along the banks of the River Nile, yet today there are very few of this special variety of lotus left to be found anywhere in Egypt. A part of our mission will be to find ways to reinstate this important plant icon to its revered status and former abundance.

The god Nefertem, the lotus born son of Ptah and Sekhmet, and many other supportive deities from the Egyptian pantheon will help to guide us through the Egyptian Mysteries as they unfold in the unique way they will be presented for this group.

Request more information about this tour here…

Becoming the Lotus

As if I'd slept a thousand years underwater I wake into a new season. I am the blue lotus rising. I am the cup of dreams and memory opening— I, the thousand petaled flower. At dawn the sun rises naked and new as a babe; I open myself and am entered by light. This is the joy, the slow awakening into fire as one by one the petals open, as the fingers that held tight the secret unfurl. I let go of the past and release the fragrance of flowers.

I am open and light descends, fills me and passes through, each thin blue petal reflected perfectly in clear water. I am that lotus filled with light reflected in the world. I float content within myself, one flower with a thousand petals, one life lived a thousand years without haste, one universe sparking a thousand stars, one god alive in a thousand people.

If you stood on a summer's morning on the bank under a brilliant sky, you would see the thousand petals and say that together they make the lotus. But if you lived in its heart, invisible from without, you might see how the ecstasy at its fragrant core gives rise to its thousand petals. What is beautiful is always that which is itself in essence, a certainty of being. I marvel at myself and the things of earth.

I float among the days in peace, content. Not part of the world, the world is all the parts of me. I open toward the light and lift myself to the gods on the perfume of prayer. I ask for nothing beyond myself. I own everything I need. I am content in the company of god, a prayer that contains its own answer. I am the lotus. As if from a dream, I wake up laughing.

Normandi Ellis
Awakening Osiris, The Egyptian Book of the Dead

For details about the book and to purchase, please visit Hathor's Mirror.

Sekhmet, Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess

September 10 to October 1, 2018

Online video class in six two hour sessions (possibly longer).

Mostly I will be spending the summer doing private sessions and mentoring programs. After many requests, I've decided to teach Sekhmet, Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess again this fall, starting September 10. I will attempt to complete the class in six sessions, however if necessary I am prepared to extend it to seven. As it gets closer to class time, I will send a letter to all registrants giving detailed instruction on preparations so that we will be ready to jump right in when class starts. If you don't have a copy of the book, I will send one to you as soon as I receive your registration. Please don't wait until the last minute, as Sekhmet, the lioness headed goddess of Egypt, the feminine face of the sun and quintessential healer of the Egyptian pantheon requires your full commitment and attention to the alchemy that is the substance of the book. Most people seem to know when Sekhmet is calling them, however if you are looking for deep healing and transformation of the most irritating and obstreperous personal characteristics, this is an opportunity that you might want to consider. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about this class via email or send me your phone number and some good times so that I can call you. For more details and to register, go to

Summer, 2018 events plus a special surprise in April, 2019:

Although I will no longer be producing retreats here at my temple/center, within less than a week after signing the papers with Indigo, my next big project revealed itself. Mark your calendar for a big surprise April 19-20, 2019. And, yes, those dates include Bicycle Day and 4/20, all in one weekend. This event is sure to please! Stay tuned for more information about this special Psychedelic Symposium Northwest. If you hear of anything else big being planned in the Northwest at that time, please let us know. Meanwhile, stay tuned for updates and details, including our venue and our inspiring speakers.

I wish you a magical summer, filled with beauty and flowers and gardens overflowing with nutritious food. If you are Down Under, may you have a gentle winter.

With love and prayers for a return to Ma'at,
Nicki Scully


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