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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Nikci at EarthDance 2009Nicki at EarthDance 2009Dear Friends,

It’s hard to believe summer has vanished with such speed this year. We have already had fires in our woodstove, and the leaves are turning.

I'm heading off to Earthdance on Friday. This will be the last Earthdance that will be held at Black Oak Ranch in Laytonville, CA, and it promises to be a great time. I love being part of the Elders Council, and will be doing a workshop on Saturday afternoon on Alchemical Healing and the Egyptian Mysteries.

My tour to Egypt with Joan Borysenko is now wait list only. If you are still interested in going, let us know so we can let you know if there are any last minute surprise openings.


The next opportunity to travel with me to Egypt will be March 7-21, 2011, when I will be co-leading with my good friend Normandi Ellis, an award-winning author, priestess of the Egyptian mysteries, and incomparable writing teacher. I am quite psyched about working with Normandi again in Egypt; this will be our third tour together. Our focus on the Egyptian Mysteries will be augmented by the writing and sharing of our stories under the tutelage of Normandi, whose skill as a writing teacher is renowned. Whether you are an accomplished writer or a novice with a dream, Normandi has the uncanny ability to draw you out so that when you put pen to paper, or fingers to computer, your most inspired thoughts will find creative expression in your words.

Three of Normandi's six published books are on the recommended reading list for all my Egypt tours. Her translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Awakening Osiris, expresses the essence of Egypt like no other. To find something to share with you to give you a taste of Normandi's writing, I randomly opened her book, Dreams of Isis, and came upon the section I am including here. After reading it, I thought it would be perfect for all of you who desire passionately, and especially those who desire to see Egypt… enjoy!

Oh yes, the icing on the cake— we will be sailing on the dahabeya Afandina for eight nights!


I only have one more gig this fall, besides Earthdance and Egypt; the Women's Visionary Congress will be held October 22-24, at the Institute of Noetic Sience's (IONS) Earthrise Retreat Center near Petaluma, CA. This year the congress will feature thirty visionary women healers, scholars, activists and artists who study consciousness and altered states.

May the turning of the season bring you a bountiful harvest.


Blessings and love,


PS: My close friend and colleague Dea Lisk will be taking a small number of participants for her Transformational Wellness Healing Retreat on the Big Island in Hawaii, February 19-26. I highly recommend this retreat, and will be letting you know more from Dea in my next newsletter. Meanwhile, check it out here… Stay tuned…

Normandi on the Afandina 2009Normandi on the Afandina 2009A Lesson in Desire

From Dreams of Isis, Normandi Ellis, ch.9, pg. 219-221

Learning to cultivate the desire nature is not only possible, it is recommended, so that we may come to learn fully our own powers as co-creators of the universe. In this, we can take no greater lesson than learning to love—to love God, our neighbors and ourselves. To do this we need to pay attention to the seeds we plant in the subconscious, for the heart reads the psyche and makes no distinction. Any bitterness or anger held in the heart unspoken has an opportunity to grow. Plant only those seeds you want, and then don't fret over them. Worry is negative energy.

Keep quiet and store your energy. When my students talk too much about a story they are going to write, they fail to write it. The desires of the heart manifest more potently when we maintain our silence and continue our meditation. God knows what lies in the heart. Trust the Khu, the divine intelligence that is daily in communion with God to do the work. When the time is right, things in your life will begin to shift and to move in the way, that hidden deep in the earth, a seed cracks and the shoots comes up. Water it then and nourish the seedling of your desire. Do something constructive for it daily. Concentrate on the flower and its potential.

Dreams os Isis by Normandi EllisAvailable on
Hathor's Mirror

Imagine the manifestation of your desire as it will appear in full bloom. We have to learn to be specific about what we want. We might remind ourselves that the telepathy is only the projection of desire unrestricted by time and space. Perhaps we even have to believe with our hearts filled with faith that the impossible is possible. I like to recall Jean Houston's advice. “It is the closing of the heart far more than the closing of the mind that keeps folks from transformation and deepening.”

Recognize that of your own self you can do nothing. You are a channel, and God manifests though you. All of the things of the world that will manifests, as well as your yourself, are part of the god's body. Our lives are a miracle. We are muscle and bone and blood in which live the bright fires of spirit, will, desire, and soul. My every action, thought and feeling occurs in connection to the cosmos; thus, my life is a tapestry of vibrant colors and images because everything in it is related to everything else. I am the flower you cultivate. I am the child you tend. I am the book I write, the song I sing, I the spider spinning. I am you; We, the miracle.

Decide to look for the miracle. Live you life boldly, bravely, joyfully and with satisfaction, and you will be Ab-Ur, Great of Heart. To satisfy the ab is to satisfy the heart of gods, their desires and wishes. In all things great and small resides the beauty of the Divine life expression. That we exist—water and dust walking, as we are—is proof of the power of gods, for we are magical creatures. True magic is made in the heart, the magic of the desire nature to unite with the primal heart of God and, in the process of attaining that, we unfold, we become, we transform, we evolve. We are the heart of the world. The greatest magic of which any of us are capable is the magic that “is directed to making a heart of heavenly origin beat within, to awaken (our) perception of the invisible.”

Temple of Horus at DawnEntering the Temple of the Soul
with Normandi Ellis & Nicki Scully

March 7 - 21, 2011

Please come with us for a journey of contemplative exploration in Egypt, to celebrate our ancient history on this planet, to visit the temples of our brothers and sisters in light, and to write and share our stories. This is the true unfolding flower of love that connects us all. Peace to you.

Get the full story and details on this amazing journey to Egypt with Normandi Ellis, poetess, writer and translator of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

EarthDance 2010 posterEarthDance 2010

Septhember 17-19, Laytonville, California

3 day Camp Out Celebration for World Peace and Unity, set amidst a beautiful old growth oak forest, featuring 5 Stages of Entertainment uniting Jamband, World, Conscious Lyricism, Electronica, Reggae and Folk - and so much more!!

See the EarthDance Website for more information and ticketing.


Women’s Visionary Congress 2010

October 22 - 24, IONS Retreat Center, Petaluma, California

The fourth annual Women's Visionary Congress will take place this year from October 22 - 24, 2010 at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) Earthrise Retreat Center, near Petaluma, California. This year the Women's Visionary Congress (WVC) will feature thirty visionary women healers, scholars, activists and artists who study consciousness and altered states. Presenters at the 2010 Women's Congress will include visionary artist Martina Hoffmann, Marsha Rosenbaum of the Drug Policy Alliance, ritualist Nicki Scully, researcher Alicia Danforth and psychedelic voyager Carolyn (Mountain Girl) Garcia.

The theme of the 2010 WVC is Sex and Psychedelics: Limbic Resonance and Deep Thrills. As we do each year, we will discuss insights gained through exploration of consciousness in heightened states of awareness. Accomplished women in our community and also some of our male allies will talk about how we align our passion, cognition, empathy and intimacy. The WVC supports the transfer of knowledge among women who apply the insights of their research and spiritual path. We will gather on beautiful land in Northern California to renew our community of adventurers and visionaries.

The Women's Visionary Congress is a benefit for our V Fund that makes grants to support the work of visionary women. Tickets are $325 which includes a $75 annual membership to the Women's Visionary Council, the nonprofit organization that organizes the annual WVC gathering. Ticket price covers all presentations, meals and comfortable lodging for three days and two nights. Scholarship tickets are available.

The WVC welcomes interested women and men to join us as we create a temporary community, talk, dance, eat delicious food and participate in a series of conversations with wise women. We look forward to seeing you there.

For ticket information please contact Natalie Engber at or call (707) 489-8877. Tickets may also be purchased via PayPal through a link on the WVC registration page.

Women's Visionary Congress Website






